Our Texas Home

Our Texas Home
Our home here in North Texas during Christmas 2009.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Headin' to Southern Illinois!

In the words of Mario, "Here we go!"

Tomorrow I am loading up the three kiddos and we are heading to Southern Illinois, where I grew up. We haven't been there in probably 4 years or longer. Kim won't be joining us since there isn't enough room in the car. We are planning on seeing family and soaking up the country culture of the Corn Belt! I can wait to take them to "The Custard Stand"! That was the place to get a cool treat when I was a kid. (The only place actually!)

We are returning on Sunday so that I can fly out on Tuesday for a job interview in California! So everything is working out perfectly. I will hopefully get a position just in time to move there and get integrated into the Northern California culture (I hear it is more refined than Southern Illinois culture).

I am going to try to get into the mobile blogging thing but no promises.

Have a great time!

Friday, June 18, 2010

All things happen in their own time....


So there I was yesterday participating in a reorganization call with the company. And what happens? They announce a 17% reduction will take place in the group of which I am a part.

Within fifteen minutes of the conference call ending, I get a meeting invitation. It is an in-person meeting with HR, TN and GP! I rush through the house and get dressed (I was still working on the whole remote solution). I grab my laptop and laptop bag. I empty it of all personal items. I am organized and ready to go! I had 25 minutes to get to the office and speak with HR.

So here I am speeding through suburbia and trying to figure out what was happening exactly. I decided on the way that either I was being called to get notice that I was part of the 17% or that I was being told who on my team is part of the 17%.

I make it to the office with about 10 minutes to spare. I have one of my guys remote into my desktop upstairs and begin copying over all my files. I tell them I am going to talk to HR and they will get a meeting about the topic shortly. at that moment we hear a ding. It is the meeting invite. They have been invited to the same meeting I had just attended.

Five minutes left....

I walk briskly through the cubicle farms and at various access points I swipe my badge. I actually whispered a little prayer each time that it worked. I figured since I still had access to everything it was a good sign.

I walk in to the HR person's office.

"Hi, I'm Jay."
"OH! You're a couple minutes early."
"Can I close your door?"
"Please. I mean, sure. Go ahead."
I turn around extend my hand, "Nice to meet you."
"You too!"
"So I am hear to either be fired or told who I am going to fire."
She laughed nervously.
I say, "Seriously, relax. Not a big deal - it's just business right."
"Sure, have a seat, please."
We chatted about family and teams for just a moment. Who we both knew in the company where we had been etc. Finally her desk phone rings.
She is relaxed and smiling at this point. I think she realized I am just a good guy and have a very positive outlook and not some lunatic.
I will not drag out the whole conversation over the phone.
Suffice it to say it was typical corporate speak. You know, "Not performance based, strictly business. I am a valued member of the team. My contributions have been many, great and valuable...." You get the point. Same as I did within about four seconds of GP speaking.

So I was directly impacted. I stayed positive and hopeful. They offered me a fair severance package and several weeks of employment to find a new position inside the company or elsewhere. I will also be eligible for unemployment after my last day.

So there you have it! Many of the things I was worried about have worked themselves out! Probability bubbles collapsed everywhere and all where we needed them! I am not overjoyed or happy about it... I have a great team and actually like my job. But given the circumstances, I think it is for the best.

If you are reading this, I hope you are smiling. I am a little sad to lose such a fantastic team but I am also excited about how things just work themselves out if we have confidence and faith. Speaking of which... Now we need to sell the house. This was the last piece. Now that my job is no longer a consideration, we are definitely going to accept the position in Cali and get out there ASAP. Say a prayer, send positive vibes or whatever it is you do to collapse your own probability bubbles and send it my way that the house will sell sooner rather than later!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Two weeks+ since last post.. REALLY?!

Well... Let's see...

We had an open house on Sunday! Not one person showed up :(
That was very disheartening. I mean seriously. House has been on the market almost a month and only three people have come to see it (four if you count the couple that popped in before we were actually on the market).
We have it priced aggressively. I looked at the comps and we have the lowest per Sq Ft price of any in the area. It will sell when it needs to sell I guess.

So on the job front. still no discussion with TN. It will be a huge surprise for them if I move and never resign! That probably won't happen. I was supposed to interview for a position with speeddate.com yesterday but they had to reschedule. It would be a pretty sweet position. Wish me luck. I interview today. It is just a phone interview and if they want me for another round then I will fly out and meet them face-to-face. We shall see!

I continue to work from the house most days at this point. I think I have thoroughly proven that this job can be done from home. I am actually more productive! Last night I found myself checking and responding to email at 10PM! That was after starting email around 7AM! Seems people would be more productive if they just let all manager work from home!

Anyway... I will try not to be so neglectful of my blogging duties. However, A and A (our daughters) will be here very soon! Just a few days! Then it is off to exotic Southern Illinois for a few days! Maybe while we are gone the house will sell. That's what happened with our house last year. We loaded up the family and went to Cancun came back and had an offer! That would be great! The girls could go with us out to Cali for a few weeks prior to them going back to Tenn.
